Ok, well, not really. But did I get your attention?
I know I promised you a
Stitch Fix review, but my FedEx guy and I are having some issues that will hopefully be resolved soon. As soon as it comes, I'll let you know how it goes, as you are obviously all losing sleep over my lack of review. But in the meantime...
On stage and ready for our opening act! |
These pictures are actually from a few days ago, when I was still in LA. We had a super fun Sunday. Or, as Simon said, "On a scale of 1-10 of funness, today was a 100!" We had a morning at the farmer's market and playground, followed by ice cream and then a trip to Newsies! Newsies is doing a national tour these days, and it happened to be in LA while I was there. I had really wanted to see it on Broadway but hadn't been able to afford tickets, so this was very exiting.
I love Newsies, as I love musicals and I love dancing and I love feel-good sort of tales. My sister Rebecca's friend Rebeka also knew someone who knew someone in the show (how's that for a close connection?), so we got to go backstage! I've never been backstage at a show before, so it was really cool to see the props up close and the way they move all the scenery around.
Posing for the paparazzi! |
Also, in addition to being crazy talented (sometimes I can barely walk without tripping--how on earth can they dance like that???), all of the actors were so nice! Simon got to take pictures with many people in the cast, who also were kind enough to answer all of our questions.
This is when I ate ice cream for breakfast. |
Maddie and I wore coordinated outfits. However, I did not chew on mine. |
If you're interested in my outfit, which I assume you are at least nominally because you are here-- I really love this skirt. It has elastic in the back so it's super comfortable, and it's full enough to move around in easily. It's also very lightweight and I love the striped segments. It sort of reminds me of neckties, in a way. It was perfect for a day when I was both chasing Leo around, and going to the theater with Rebecca and Simon. I did have to go down two sizes from my usual Boden size, though, so be warned if you order it-- the skirt is super full, so you might want to order smaller than your usual.
Props and set |
Newsies fans selfie! |
If you need me, I'll be in the corner, singing Seize the Day to myself. Now I can't wait to see my next musical. What do you recommend? See you back here soon, I hope!
What I'm wearing: Willi Smith 3/4 sleeve shirt via TJ Maxx (similar
here), Boden
skirt, Franco Sarto
sandals via DSW
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