Sunday, April 19, 2015

We Have Kidnapped Aunt Rachel and Taken Over the Blog

Oh, did you come here looking for Aunt Rachel? Sorry, she is unavailable at the moment, on account of our kidnapping her and trying to force her to stay in LA until we move to New York. But we did not want to leave you, her loyal readers, without any blog posts. So we have decided to take over the blog for today, to share our personal styles with you.

Kidnapper #1: Simon, age 6.5
Known aliases: Simoni, Simonster
Hobbies: Star Wars, Legos
Fashion philosophy: In case you didn't know, I am actually quite a trendsetter. The New York Times even wrote an article about my fashion philosophy. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be this: comfies.

What are comfies, you might ask? That is what I call all manner of comfortable pants. Sweatpants? Yup! Track pants? Sure! Fleece pants? Bring them on! (Especially once I move back to New York.) Jeans are over, say I. I will wear khakis as necessary for Shabbat and special occasions, but otherwise? All comfies, all the way. And for any accessories-- Star Wars. Hands down. Just ask any first grader you know.

Kidnapper #2: Leo, age 2.5
Known aliases: LeeLee, Leekiki
Hobbies: Eating, stating the obvious
Fashion philosophy: I like to be the way nature made me. Meaning, I prefer to be naked with only a diaper. Why wear clothes when you have to worry about getting them dirty all the time? Show off what God gave you, that's what I say!

On occasion, I am forced to put on clothes. In those cases, I prefer pajamas, or t-shirts with animals on them. It's not as good as being au naturale, but apparently it is more socially acceptable.

Kidnapper #3: Madeline Rose/ Maddie, age 4.5 months
Known aliases: Baby Girl, Maddie Moo, Miss Moo, Miss Madeline (sung to the tune of Sweet Caroline.)
Hobbies: Drooling, pooping, being generally adorable
Fashion philosophy: I am by far the most stylish in my family. That is partly because when I was born, everyone was so excited that there was finally a girl that they went out and bought me many adorable outfits. But even though I didn't get to pick my own clothes, don't think I don't have opinions about them. If I don't like what I'm wearing, I am never shy about pooping or spitting up to force an outfit change.

My mom doesn't like to buy me fancy outfits because of my aforementioned habit of spitting up. However, my awesome older friend Tess has a well-connected friend Julia, who gives her amazing outfits from the clothing company Pippa and Julie. These are some of my favorite outfits (including the two pictured in the first row above, the purple one below.) Luckily, Tess is ahead of me on the growth chart, so she's kind enough to pass the outfits along. While some might call them used, I prefer to think of them as vintage. And let me tell you, I look fabulous. Everyone who sees me agrees. I am also very excited to start wearing 12 month clothing. That's when I'll stop out-growing everything so fast, and Aunt Rachel promises that then I can start wearing Boden.

So thanks for reading everyone! We'll let Aunt Rachel go eventually, and we promise she's safe and full of ice cream until then. She'll be back soon. in the meantime, we hope you enjoyed learning about our looks! Please leave thoughts in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that my daughter Rachel and grandchildren each have their own personal style. It must be because their father and grandfather used to work for Barneys!
