Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy One Monthaversary!

Guys, the blog is one month old today! Can you believe it? They grow up so fast...

Today was one of those perfect New York days. Sometimes, in the winter, when it's endlessly cold and there are disgusting piles of black snow at every curb and slush puddles at every corner, I understand why people would want to live elsewhere. But then spring comes and it's a mystery to me again.

The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and everyone is in a good mood. That is why the kind gentlemen who I asked to take my picture in the park not only obliged, but both staged mini-photo shoots with me. These pictures are the fruits of their labors. 

Look! Real flowers! Spring!

In honor of the weather, I decided to wear my skirt with trees on it. This skirt and I had quite a saga, with three rounds of buying and returning. I loved the print, fabric and pockets, but the shape was a little weird, which made it hard for me to figure out how to wear it. When it went on crazy sale, I ordered it again. This time, I went down a size and ordered it in the long length, which worked much better. The shape seems more natural as a high waisted full skirt. It's still not the most flattering thing I own, but it's fun enough that I wear it anyway.

New glasses! Thanks Warby Parker!
 Today also marked the debut of my new glasses. I have a few pairs, since I wear them every day, and I ordered these from Warby Parker a few months ago. There were some problems with my prescription and other such things so the process took much longer than expected, but I have to commend Warby Parker for having excellent customer service.
Me, chilling with Eleanor Roosevelt. Obviously.
That's all from here for now. I hope you're all enjoying reading the blog as much as I'm enjoying writing it. If you have questions, comments, or things you want me to write about, leave a note in the comments or email me here!

What's your favorite spring activity? What about your favorite spring outfit?

P.S. My aunt sent me this cool Buzzfeed about style charts. If you're into charts like I am, check it out here.

What I'm wearing: Boden skirt, Gap Factory denim jacket (similar here), Cable and Gauge shirt via TJ Maxx (similar here), Sperry for J. Crew boat shoes (similar here), super old cross body bag (similar here)


  1. hi your blog is very sweet congrats on your first month check out these girls i follow them, enjoy!

    1. Thanks so much! I'll definitely check them out. Please come again soon!
