Sunday, March 22, 2015

Willing Spring to Come + Stitch Fix Update

Happy spring everyone! The word on the street is that if you live in the western part of this country, then it's warm where you are. Here in New York? Not so much. I know I'll regret saying this one day when it's 90 degrees and humid, but I just wish it would get warm already! Every fall, I get impatient for it to get cold so I can wear cute outfits with boots and tights, but now we've reached the time of year where I am itching to have bare legs and a jean jacket. Apparently, I am never satisfied.

In an effort to at least start transitioning out of my winter wardrobe, I wore one of my favorite dresses for Shabbat this week. This dress is amazing for many reasons, but one of them is its versatility. I have successfully worn it with boots and tights, and with sandals. It works either way, making it fully three season functional. Plus, it's my favorite silhouette (fitted on top, pleats on bottom), which is super flattering to my pear shape. And the red adds a nice pop of brightness to what was sadly a gloomy day.

In general, I'm not a big accessorizer, mostly because it never occurs to me to put jewelry on. The one exception to this rule is scarves, which I wear often because I tend to get cold easily. As you see in the pictures, I wore the dress two ways yesterday-- with a bright turquoise scarf for color contrast when I was cold, and then with a multi strand necklace once it warmed up a bit. Either way, the awesome boots were back in full force. (Sorry that the awkward mirror selfies are back. I was photographer-less last night.) Which look do you like better?

Finally, thank you to those of you who weighed in on my Stitch Fix! I heard some of you had problems with the comments. My apologies; I have hopefully fixed it so that they should work from now on. In the meantime, I appreciate those of you who weighed in on Facebook or through other media. I decided to keep the purple dress and the blue shirt. The crowd was pretty united against the red top and I didn't love it on the second try, especially at that price, so back it went. Even though I only kept 2 things, I felt like this fix was a great success. It was totally on target for my look, and I'm excited to get my next one in April. Want to get in on the fun? Sign up and order your first box here!

What I'm wearing: Boden dress (similar here), Hue tights, Aldo boots. Leila Rowe necklace (similar here), Scarf from Loehmanns (similar here)

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