Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pretty in Paisley

Happy weekend, everyone! I hope you're enjoying warmer spring weather wherever you are. Here it was wet but warm. After the winter we had, I'll take it.

One thing to know about me from the outset is that I LOVE dresses. Somehow they are just more fun than skirts-- I don't know why. However, it is also often more difficult to fit them if you are a different size on top than on bottom, like I am. Add to that the need for sleeves, and it seems like too much trouble. But with a little ingenuity, a cute look with a dress is in your reach!

One of the things I think about is how to uphold my standards of modesty without looking strange or conspicuous. This requires a lot of creative layering. Usually, throwing a cardigan on over a sleeveless dress is a good solution. However, I am very petite on top, with super narrow shoulders, and much wider hips, so I have found that cardigans over dresses often make me look strange. Instead, it often looks better to wear a shirt under the dress, but of course, that can look weird too, if you aren't careful.

A few tips: Pick a dress that has a simple neckline, so the shirt underneath doesn't distract from the main look. Button down shirts with collars often present a nice professional look, combining fashion and function. And whatever you wear underneath, make sure it is fitted, to give you a smooth line. Nobody likes to feel lumpy. There are great shells out there (try here or here), and they are definitely worth investing in.

Many thanks to my lovely neighbor, Shaina, for her help with the photos. Apparently the downside of living alone is having nobody to take pictures of you for your blog. Oops.

I'm wearing a Boden dress, a Joe Fresh shirt (similar here), Hue tights, and Coconuts by Matisse riding boots (similar here.) Sorry you can't really see the boots, but they're very wet anyway. We'll try again next time.

How do you like to layer it up? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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