Sunday, June 7, 2015

Summer Bucket List: Walking in the Rain

The weather here this year has been crazy. We had a week of psycho heat and humidity, followed by a week where I should have been wearing tights, but instead chose to freeze because it was June and after a certain point, enough is enough.

Unlike some others, I actually don't mind being outside in the rain. In the movies, rain is usually used to either show that something sad is happening, or that there is a giant romantic gesture coming. However, remember how when we were kids, rain was just FUN? Jumping in puddles, getting super, wet, etc. It's time to bring that back.

Last Sunday, it was raining, so I decided to knock another item off the summer bucket list and go for a walk. If I'm wearing the right shoes (in this case, my Chacos) and I don't have my laptop, I find being in the rain pretty enjoyable. I should have worn a hat to protect my glasses, but getting wet isn't so bad if you know you're headed home after.

This time, Mother Nature said, Ok Rachel, challenge accepted. When I set out, it was raining lightly, but not hard enough for me to put up an umbrella. And then the skies opened up. It was not raining, so much as there was a giant showerhead in the sky dumping down buckets and buckets of water. I hung out under an underpass for a while, but then decided to set out anyway. And you know what? I was super wet, but it was sort of fun!

The best shoes for rain
I think the random gentlemen who took my picture thought I was sort of nuts, but it's all good. And in case you don't believe me that it was pouring, take a look at these shots:

Does this not look like some sort of ghost ship? Creepy!

Today is shaping up to be a beautiful day, so it's time to stop blogging and go outside. Have a great Sunday, friends!

What I'm wearing: Lucky Brand top, Downeast Basics cami, Old Navy cropped khakis, Chaco sandals, Goody head wrap, and one super hardcore umbrella.

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