Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer Bucket List: Coney Island!

Summer fun continues, friends! I'm making good progress on my bucket list, but all the fun means I'm behind on my blogging. So while I crossed something else off the list today, let's backtrack to last Friday, when some of my friends joined me on a Coney Island adventure.

Unlike many people, I suppose, I actually love the beach in almost any weather. Of course, it's nice when it's hot, and you can go in the water. I also love it in the late fall, when it's sort of cold and gloomy. Last Friday was unseasonably cool and cloudy, but it meant we had the beach all to ourselves. I'm telling you-- just put on a sweatshirt and you'll have a great day.

Of course, there are many other fun things to do at Coney Island, including going out on the pier, seeing the Brooklyn Cyclones play, and hanging out at Luna Park and riding the Cyclone. We mostly stuck to the beach, but I hope to go back later in the summer to see the Cyclones play, so hopefully I can get some rides in then as well.

Sarit's Instagram Masterpiece
There's something really beautiful about the beach on a cloudy day, I think. And it means you get to spend as many tries as possible to get a picture of yourself jumping in the air without anyone getting in the way, so that's always a win.

The beautiful view from the pier
Coney Island, guys. The 50s live on, in the best way possible. Where do you like to go for kitschy fun?

What I'm wearing: Esprit sweatshirt (super old), GAP long sleeved shirt (similar here), Lucky Brand jeans via TJ Maxx, chacos (not shown, because who wears shoes on the beach?)

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