Thursday, December 31, 2015

Coatless Caroling

Here, dear readers, is something you might not know about me. Despite the fact that, I think we can all agree, I am SUPER Jewish, I also have a great love of Christmas. The trees, the lights, the music, the way everything slows down and people are a little nicer than usual-- it may very well actually be the most wonderful time of the year.

One of the things I love is a good Christmas carol. I don't sing the ones with a lot of religious overtones because those feel a little uncomfortable to me (although I do enjoy listening to them since they are so beautiful), but enough of them are ecumenical that I get to sing along. So when I heard that Gramercy Park, one of the snottiest places in the city, opens its gates for an hour once a year for caroling, Sarah and I decided to go.

Here's what I have to say about Gramercy Park: not much. It's a park. It's not very interesting. Their trees was pretty, but I was less than impressed when the caroling ending and they basically told us to get out. Oh well.

Here's what I have to say about the caroling: It was fun! The spirit was good, the crowd mixed, and the band and choir pretty good. I liked that they gave us song sheets and encouraged us to sing along. Plus, as you can see, I was wearing no tights and no coat because even though it was Christmas Eve, it was in the 60s. So it was nice to be outside, if also disconcerting and vaguely terrifying if I thought too much about it. Instead, I focused on White Christmas, which is one of my favorites. Those Jews sure know how to write good carols.

I ended up walking home, which was a little insane because it's about five miles, but I wanted to see the store windows and it was a lovely evening. Here are some of the sights I saw along the way, including a red and green Empire State Building and windows from Macy's, Lord and Taylor, and Saks. The streets were full of tourists, Christmas spirit, and people eating ice cream. Because nothing says Christmas like ice cream, right?

That's it for the blog for 2015. Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2016 is everything you want it to be and more. See you back here next year!

What I'm wearing: Boden skirt (very old, similar here), Downeast Basics blouse (similar here), GAP Factory cardigan (similar here), Sperry for J. Crew boat shoes (similar here)

1 comment:

  1. Merry christmas and happy new year to you as well, this one is really good and informative post, going to bookmark you blog to read more such posts. Thank you for sharing it
