Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tutus for Grown Ups

Yesterday, I was at synagogue (because it's that time of year) and one of my friends complimented me on my dress. "Thanks!" I said. "But you've seen it before! I wore it on Rosh Hashanah." And she said, "But it hasn't been on the blog, so it's as if it didn't happen."

So apparently that's the new rule. Blog or it didn't happen.

I have apparently given up on blogging in order. Oh well. So you will see a mix of pictures from back in the days when I was wearing sandals all the time, and ones that were taken recently where I am wearing boots and tights. Although now that I think of it, I'm not sure I've taken any pictures recently, in part because of the hideous brace I am sadly still wearing and in part because my main photographer has been busy on account of having had a baby. (I know, where are people's priorities?)

I decided to post these pictures tonight because I wore almost the exact same outfit last night for Simchat Torah. Just imagine that I am not wearing the necklace and that I AM wearing an awesome pair of red sequined Converse. Simchat Torah is all about singing and dancing, so if ever there was a time to dress in a tutu and crazy sneakers, last night seemed like it. My friend Molly and my sister Rebecca told me that I looked like "What Carrie Bradshaw would look like if she went to Simchat Torah." I chose to take that as a compliment.

Trying to be a ballerina #1.
 One of the many things I love about New York is that you can walk down the street wearing a tulle skirt, a fleece, and red sequined sneakers, and almost nobody looks twice. Except the little girl who told me I looked like a beautiful princess. So I think we can say I was winning.
Try to be a ballerina #2.
I have wanted a tulle skirt for a long time, but always wondered if people older than 7 who are not dancing for the New York City Ballet could actually get away with wearing one. But in the name of taking more fashion risks in the new year, I went for it, and I must say that it is one of the most fun items of clothing I have worn in a long time. I might be double digits in age, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good twirly skirt.

Now that the holidays are over and my thumb is still splinted but feeling much better, hopefully I will be back with all of you, my dear readers, with more regularity. As always, thanks for sticking with me!

What I'm wearing: Eshakti tulle skirt, Kosher Casual shirt, b.o.c. sandals (similar here), Laila Rowe necklace (similar here and here)

1 comment:

  1. I knew all those Ballet Academy East classes would pay off. And LOVE the tulle skirt.
