Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Times, They Are A Changin'

Ok, I know what all of you are thinking. Rachel used to blog so much and now we hardly hear from her! Has she lost interest? Is she too busy for us? Has she started walking around naked all of the time and therefore has no outfits to show us????

Dear readers, I assure you that it is none of those things! Instead, there has just been a lot going on, but I promise I think of you often. Here's what's been happening on my end of the world:

1. My sister and her family moved here! This is a VERY exciting development in my life. Now, instead of having to fly across the country to see each other, they're just a walk away! So far, I have taken Simon to the movies and Leo boating. Maddie and I just chill, because she's a baby. Pictures to follow in future posts

2. My June job ended. We had a great five weeks together and it was sad when it was over. In case you were wondering what I was teaching, here is a cartoon of how the Talmud explains putting people to death:

3. My comps list got approved! So in theory I am in the process of studying for my seventh and final comp. You notice that I say in theory. Hopefully it will happen for real soon.

4. My July job started. Dear readers, I love July. It's my favorite month of the year. I'm teaching full time, on three different topics, so it's a lot of work, but I am so happy to be teaching this much again that I am trying to enjoy every moment.

5. The bucket list marches on! I am trying to make sure to do at least one fun thing a week. It's good for me and so far I am enjoying.

So that's what's been happening. Less computer time means less time to blog-- that is the one unfortunate part of all of these good things. I'm trying not to think about what will happen in August, when I am back in the library all the time.

In the meantime, here are some pictures of my beautiful eyelet dress, which I loooove, and which I finally found a sweater to go with. 

Happy summer! What's keeping you busy these days?

What I'm wearing: Anne Klein dress (similar here), Boden cropped cardigan, Franco Sarto sandals via DSW


  1. Can you write a post about your bucket list?

  2. I look forward to hearing a further explanation of the cartoon. Hebrew School would have been a lot more interesting if they had taught us this part.
