Monday, September 21, 2015

A Polka Dot Splint

That is my poor, sad thumb. Your favorite curly haired blogger is also a klutz, and I wiped out while running yesterday. Purple-y bruised knees and a badly sprained thumb are my souvenirs. Clearly the lesson is that I shouldn't exercise, right???

Among other things, this means that typing is difficult and sort of painful, and therefore my efforts must be directed towards things like finishing my Yom Kippur speech and taking notes for comps, and not blogging for a little while. I am bummed.

Hopefully the pain will lessen soon, and then I will be back with things like the end of the summer bucket list, my September Stitch Fix review, and the big plans for the fall.

And in the meantime, at least they gave me a polka dot splint. I'd like to think it's because they know me and want me to be happy.

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