Monday, February 1, 2016

... And the WEST WING!!!

Back to our DC adventures. At this point, if you've been reading along, you know that I am a nerd (and proud of it!) My nerd-dom takes a few different forms, but politics and history are high on the list. I also happen to be an Obama lover, so when Cindy told me she could take me on a West Wing tour during my DC trip, it took much self control my part to avoid bowling her over.

Not surprisingly, you're not allowed to take pictures in the West Wing (and also not surprisingly, visitors are only allowed in when the President isn't in the Oval Office, which means nights and weekends.) So you'll have to take my word for it that I got to stick my head into the Oval, and I saw Sunny and Bo out for a stroll in the Rose Garden. Winning!

The one place you are allowed to take pictures is the Press Room. Which was super fun due to my love of CJ Cregg. There I am in front of the podium with my friend Jess (who was also visiting for the weekend) and Cindy. They were very patient while I geeked out for a while.

Cindy works in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, which is right next to the White House, and is actually much grander in many ways. Cindy gave us a tour there too, including some offices where major meetings have taken place throughout history, and the Vice President's meeting rooms.

Even though it was a Sunday, I felt strongly that I should wear business-y Shabbat clothes. Respect for the office and all of that. But because I am still me, when wearing all black, there should still be polka dots. Old Boden for the win.

And then, as a souvenir, White House Hershey kisses! One of the great days in the history of Rachel. And something else crossed off the life bucket list. Next time, to the bowling alley! And to meet the President :) Nice to have something to keep working for.

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