Sunday, May 31, 2015


Who here loves Ruth Bader Ginsburg? (Raise your hand!)

I thought so.
This is my Notorious RBG t-shirt. As you can probably see in the pictures, it's a little too big. I'm hoping it will shrink in the laundry. However, I couldn't wait to wear it.

You see, after each comp, I've done a nice thing for myself, whether buying something or doing an activity. This was my post-comp #5 present to myself and I was VERY excited when it arrived. So much so that I took a picture and sent it to my friend Jenn, who might love RBG even more than me. Plus? The shirt is so soft! Yay! (I sort of wonder if I should buy my mom, Ruth, a "You Can't Handle the Ruth shirt. We'll see.)

My friend Deborah proved to be an excellent photographer. These are some of our action shots. Sorry that I still don't know how to have my picture taken.

I'm not sure you can totally see my sneakers. They're plaid Converse Chuck Taylors and I love them. They also may or may not be from when I was in college, and they may or not have holes in them. But they don't make this print anymore, so I insist on continuing to wear them, even though they're sort of gross.

I'm still working on my comp #6 reward. It's a little more complicated with the spending freeze, but I do want to do something. Any suggestions? Happy Sunday, friends!

What I'm wearing: Notorious RBG t-shirt, Mossimo hoodie (similar here), Lucky Brand jeans via TJ Maxx, Converse sneakers (similar here), Goody sweatband.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Many Glasses of Curly Hair with Glasses

This post goes out to my favorite older sister, Rebecca, who requested this post almost two months ago. Better late than never, right?

When I was a kid, I desperately wanted glasses. I don't know why, but I have memories of trying to cheat on my eye test so the eye doctor would think I needed them. (Having worn glasses with the wrong prescription, I now understand why this was a terrible idea.) I finally got them for part-time wear in 7th grade, and was full time by 9th grade. I used to try to wear contacts, but my eyes do not care for them, so I have come to love my glasses-wearing self. Some people say glasses annoy them, but it turns out that if you wear them every day for well more than a decade, you get used to them.

Over here at Curly Hair with Glasses, you might have noticed that I have many pairs of glasses. I have three that I wear most of the time, one pair that it never occurs to me to wear for some reason, one pair that I mostly wear for running/ other exercising, and a pair of sunglasses. Yes, that is MANY pairs of glasses. I've accumulated them over a number of years. I have one pair of fairly expensive glasses-- those are the turquoise ones-- and all of the others are from either Warby Parker or Zenni Optical. The good thing about Warby Parker is that they'll put new lenses in for $50, so I've been able to change their lenses a couple of times for not too much money. So now, let us proceed.

The Blank Canvas

Here I am, in all of my glasses-less glory. I actually barely recognize myself without them these days. As you can see, I have a very young face (I did, in fact, get carded at an R-rated movie only a couple of years ago), so part of the function of my glasses is to age me a bit. Let's move on.

The Turquoise Chanel glasses

These are the glasses I have had the longest-- seven years now, I think. I LOVE them. They're sort of my signature, at least in my mind. The story of how I got these glasses is sort of funny. I went to my dad's guy (yes, my dad has a guy for things like this) and told him I wanted turquoise glasses. Apparently such things are hard to come by, so he had me try on lots of others. I fell in love with this shape, but he only had them in black. Black is not so much my color, on account of the blinding whiteness of my skin. But then he looked on the computer and found that they had them in turquoise, but they were only for sale in Italy. Win for Rachel! So now I have my fancy Chanel glasses ordered specially from Europe, that I wear with my clothes from Old Navy. Because that's how I roll.

Warby Parker Welty

These were my first foray into hipster glasses. The guy in the store insisted that they weren't hipster because they didn't touch my cheeks. But let's be real here. Anyway. They are purple, which I love, and they give me a little more peripheral vision because they're so big. I like them a lot most of the time, but sometimes I think I sort of look like a bug when I wear them. These are the pair I'm most likely to look back on and wonder what I was thinking. But for now I enjoy them, and what is fashion if not a chance to give my hypothetical future children a chance to laugh at me?

Warby Parker Theo

These are the pair I most recently acquired. They are more similar to the Welty than I realized when I bought them but I kept them anyway. It's hard to tell in the picture, but they're blue marblewood, which means mostly brown with some blue undertones. They're a little quieter than my other plastic frames in both shape and color, so I felt like they might be good if I ever have to go to a conference or something. I like the shape a lot-- similar to the turquoise but wider, and not quite as hipster as the purple ones.

Zenni Optical Rimless

These are mostly my running glasses. I know that might seem silly, but try exercising with a giant piece of plastic jumping up and down on your face. It doesn't work so well. I don't really buy from Zenni anymore because I worry that I'm causing the exploitation of small Chinese children (how else can you sell prescription glasses starting at $6.99?) but these have been useful over the years. Also, if I ever feel like really mixing up my look, this is as close as I get to going glasses-less.

Warby Parker Reece

These are the ones I hardly ever wear. I'm not sure why; I do like them. They're actually a dark navy, even though they look black in the picture. They're very similar in shape to the turquoise ones, which might be why they only get pulled out occasionally. Perhaps this post will inspire me to wear them more. We shall see.

Warby Parker Paley Sunglasses
Because I am so cool that I wear sunglasses inside...
For many years, I didn't have prescription sunglasses. I just squinted a lot in the summer. Then I started driving at the embarrassingly late age of 25. (That's what happens when you grow up in Manhattan.) Suddenly squinting seemed like a sort of dangerous idea. I actually had a lot of trouble finding sunglasses that I liked, but these have served me well for the last few years. And in general, no, I am not that guy who wears them inside. Consider this a special occasion for you.

So there you have it. As is probably clear, I like to use my glasses as an accessory. If I'm going to wear them every day, why not have some fun, after all?

What kind of glasses do you prefer? And which of these are your favorites?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Big Day! = No Pics

Dear readers, I promise I have not foresaken you. Instead, the combination of Shavuot (including being up all night), taking my 6th comprehensive exam, and starting work has taken its toll. When I got home from work today, I vaguely thought about leaving my dress on until someone could take pictures of me. But instead, I was in pajamas within 15 minutes. Oh well.

As the title says, today was a big day. I passed my exam on 75 pages of Talmud with the Tosafot commentators (that might not sound like a lot, but trust me, it is.) This was my 6th oral exam, and my last one on primary sources. I have one left before I'm ABD, on all of the secondary literature that I need to cover. So on one hand, six down, one to go. On the other hand, that one is a biggie. Still, under all the exhaustion, I am indeed feeling very proud.

This is what I felt like before my comp. Eek!
This is what I felt like after! Yay!
Today was also the official start of summer for me, not because of Memorial Day, but because teaching season has begun. During the year, I go to school full time and work part time, but in the summer, I work full time and only study half time. (What's that you say? That's 1.5 time? Yes, well, perhaps that explains the inability to keep my eyes open in pictures :) ) I love teaching season. It reminds me what I really want to be doing with my life, and also that all of these comps are worth it. So expect some more work-appropriate looks coming your way soon-- just as soon as I manage to take of my pajamas.

In non-work appropriate fashion news, a tulle skirt I ordered right before my spending freeze began arrived last week, and I finally got to try it on. Basically, I look like I am wearing a tutu. But it is awesome and I look forward to rocking it for all of you soon.

In the meantime, I promise that I will return to our regularly scheduled programming imminently. Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Good News for the Jews!

If you're like me, you plan your outfits for special occasions in advance. However, sometimes (wo)man plans and God laughs. Yesterday was one of those days.

You see, yesterday was graduation and ordination. Sadly, I was not graduating (although I was filled with MAJOR graduation envy.) However, many of my friends were, so I wanted to look pretty for them! I laid out a pretty floral dress and cute sandals. But then it was super cold, so there went the dress, and then my new running shoes (which have been returned to the store, on account of all of the blood) murdered my feet, making most shoes unwearable. So this is what I ended up with instead.

I look sort of deranged because I am so excited that Sarita is going to be a rabbi! 
And the detail shot. Pockets! What what!
However, my outfit was not what mattered. What mattered was that so many awesome people are now going out to serve the Jewish people! Trust me that when I tell you that you are in excellent hands. A huge mazel tov to all of my friends. I will miss sitting with you in the corner of the library, but I know that you are all going to do such amazing things. I can't wait to see what they are. And I hope you come visit me our the corner as I attempt to write a book!

I'll be signing off for a few days because it's Shavuot starting Saturday night, which means three days of no internet. I'll be learning lots of Torah, eating lots of dairy, and staying up all night. So see you after. Thanks for reading!

What I'm wearing: Boden skirt, Kosher Casual shirt, J.Crew cardigan, Sperry for J.Crew shoes (similar here)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Warning: Giant Hair Ahead

We tried to get an action shot, but instead it just looks like I'm attacking.
Sorry Sarah. I would never attack you.
I've been trying to write less about the weather lately, as I know it's sort of dull to read, but today is my friend Ruthie's birthday and she loves to talk about the weather. So Ruthie, I will use the anniversary of your birth as an excuse. Hope you don't mind too much.

You know how sometimes, when you log onto, there are special weather warnings? Dense fog, low visibility, icy roads, strong storms, etc. Well, as a curly haired person, I always want them to add another one: warning-- giant hair ahead.

Dear readers, I love my curls. I do. I can't imagine life without them. However, New York in the summer is rough. High heat + high humidity = giant ball of frizz. Mostly I don't even bother trying to wear my hair down, because I know that within an hour or two, it will look like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket. So what is a curly haired girl to do? In my case, lots of buns and headbands. They aren't as elegant or as interesting, but I've found that it beats the alternative. And since we've already had a few stretches where it felt like summer came early this year, you can see a good example from the pictures above, taken on Mother's Day.

The main event.
And if anyone has suggestions for keeping my hair under control that don't involve permanent relaxers, I and my curls would thank you. Otherwise, ponytails it is.

What I'm wearing: Lucky Brand shirt, Old Navy cropped khakis, Downeast Basics cami, Claire's headband, Bare Traps sandals (similar here)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Apple of My Eye! Plus, Spending Freeze

Sometimes when I think about my blog, I have to ask Very Important questions. For example, why do I always tilt my head to the side when I have my picture taken? And how come I can't keep my eyes open? The mysteries endure...

Anyway. This skirt is awesome. It's super soft, and I love the apple print. Plus, it's not to heavy, but it is lined, so it works for all seasons. Yay! I used to have a great love of apples, but now I'm allergic (I know, it's weird, but trust me that it's a thing) so this is as close as I can get most days.
Yup, eyes closed again. But look, pockets!
Let's try again in the mirror...
In other news, do you ever open your closet, see soooo much clothing, and then still feel like you have nothing to wear? That's me many mornings, I am embarrassed to say, despite the fact that I have way more clothing than any person could ever need. So, partly inspired by my friend Amy, and partly due to the fact that I am sort of ashamed by the number of things in my closet, I have imposed a spending freeze on myself. It's not that I'm spending money I don't have-- I am way too anal for that-- but instead, that I have decided that I should spend some time getting reacquainted with what I already have to figure out what I actually wear. So from May 1 until at least July 1, I will not buy any new clothing.

I know that going to two months without buying new clothing is not a long time for most people. However, it is on the longer side for me, although not unheard of, and it might be extended beyond that. I just felt like 8ish weeks was a good starting point, because it felt long enough to be substantial, but short enough that I wasn't likely to slip up. Here are the rules:

1. No new clothes, accessories or shoes.
2. Exceptions are made for things I actually need. For example, non-flannel pajamas pants and new running shoes. Because a new knee costs a lot more than new sneakers.
3. I am allowed to exchange things. There are a few things I ordered a long time ago from Boden that haven't come yet. I do not have to send them back, and if I choose to, I am allowed to exchange, but not for more than the cost of the original item.
4. I am allowed to keep getting my Stitch Fix. Mostly because it's fun, and also because I still have account credit. Finally, they tend to send me unusual pieces to add to my wardrobe, which means it's not like what I often do, which is buying versions of the same things over and over.

So far, things are going well, although it's only been a couple of weeks. I did buy one thing before this had been formalized, but since I made my declaration, I have stuck to my rules. I can already tell I'm getting a better sense of what I wear and what I don't, and I'm therefore planning to list some things to sell this week, which will give me more space. I'm mostly writing about this here to keep myself accountable, but also to hear from you-- what do you feel like you have too much of? Have you ever tried a freeze before? How did it turn out for you?

What I'm wearing: Boden skirt, Jones New York shirt via TJ Maxx (similar here), Gap Factory jean jacket (similar here), Toms shoes

Sunday, May 17, 2015

What My Body Does! Plus Stitch Fix Update

Hi friends! I hope you all are having a glorious weekend.

To state the obvious, this is a fashion blog, which means I spend most (although not all) of my time here thinking and writing about what I look like. However, I want to take a brief detour for today, and take a few minutes to talk about what it means to appreciate what my body can do. So if you came to look at my outfit, my apologies, and come back tomorrow! Otherwise, read on, friends.

Have you ever thought about how amazing the things your body can do are? It's something we often take for granted, until our bodies stop working properly. (In fact, in Judaism, we have a blessing called Asher Yatzar that we say every time we go to the bathroom that thanks God for making sure all of the parts of our bodies work and allow us to function.) In the meantime, we tend to focus on how we look, and (unfortunately) on where we perceive flaws.

I'm as guilty of this as anyone. I try to have good body image and appreciate what my body can do, instead of focusing on the tiny little perceived flaws that nobody else even sees. But it's hard too much of the time. So today, I am going to write a mini ode to my body.

My new running shoes! I did not pick the color.
But at least nobody can say they didn't see me coming?
It all started around Passover, when my sister Rebecca was telling us about how she was using the Couch to 5K app to get back into shape after having a baby in December. We decided it would be fun to do a race, and set a goal of doing a 10K at the end of the summer. I am a very regular gym goer, as it keeps my anxiety in check, but I've always been afraid of outside running, which is much harder for me than running on the treadmill. However, obviously the 10K will be outside, so I decided to bite the bullet and start training now, before it got too too hot. (Just goes to show that man plans and God laughs, because when I went out at 8:00 morning, it was already in the 70s with 90% humidity. Oh well.) So far I've done four outside runs and I'm doing so much better than I thought!

Because you know what? Despite the insane amount of sweating and the fact that it was so humid that my glasses got all fogged up, I ran 6 miles in an hour! I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow, but for today, I am so proud of myself and my body. So even though there will inevitably be the days when I look in the mirror and feel unhappy with what I see, for now, I am feeling grateful for what my body can do. So consider this a reminder that even when we wear the world's cutest outfits, we should feel even better about what's happening underneath.

Okay, cheese over. In other news, here's an update on my Stitch Fix. Somebody bought the white shirt I didn't like from my last fix from me, so I ended up keeping all five items. I'm hoping to be able to sell the black shirt, which I think is too big, because I decided I would be sad to send the green and pink one back. Since it would have cost more to send only the black shirt back, it didn't make sense to give up the 25% discount. So there we have it. A win for Alison. Thanks to everyone who weighed in! (And if you're interested in buying the Daniel Rainn shirt, feel free to email me here.) Want to try out these super cute looks? Sign up for your own fix here!

What have you done lately that's made you feel proud of, and grateful for, your body?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stitch Fix Review May 2015: We're Back in the Game!

Ok, I know I promised all of you a post on my glasses this week. But then my Stitch Fix came four days early! So we have important work to do. (What is Stitch Fix, you ask? Click here to learn all about it.)

 As you might remember, I was not super happy with my last fix. I was happy to order another one, if only because I had a lot of credit to use (thanks to everyone who signed up with my link!) However, I was slightly disgruntled because I felt like my stylist hadn't listened to my feedback.

Well, Stitch Fix, you have redeemed yourself! I had a new stylist, Alison (hi Alison!) and I felt like she did a great job. She sent me a few things that I had pinned, and also some things that were a little out of the box for me, but that I could totally see myself wearing.

If I keep everything, it's $187.50 including the styling fee.
(I still have a lot of credit, so that would mean I actually pay $14.50. Cool!)
My style card!
This time I'd really like some advice. I like 4 out of 5 things a lot, but the fifth thing doesn't fit me right. However, it costs the same to keep 4 as to keep 5. What should I do? Are there other things I should send back? Would you like to buy the fifth item from me (at a discount)? Please leave thoughts in the comments!

And without further ado, here we go:

Daniel Rainn Owen Tie Neck Blouse in Black-- $48.00

For some reason, my eyes were closed in almost every picture Sarit took. Don't know what's wrong with me, other than that I really need to get more sleep. So we also ended up with some mirror selfies. You get the idea.

This top is beautiful. It is super lightweight and, as you can see, pretty sheer. It came with a built in tank top, but I think I'll probably cut it out if I keep it, partly because it's too low cut and partly because it's really hard to get on and off.

The pluses: It'll be great for summer, it has great details, and it's versatile enough to be worn with jeans, for work, or on Shabbat.
The minuses: The complicated tank top underneath (easily dealt with), and the fact that this shirt is very similar to the one I got in my March fix.

The verdict: Undecided. Thoughts?

THML Cintas Embroidered Tie Neck Top in white-- $58.00

This was my least favorite thing in the fix. The concept is pretty, but it just didn't work on me.
Yup, eyes closed again. But otherwise a good pic!
 First, I don't wear much white, nor do I wear orange, which is basically the color of the detail. The real problem, though, is the shape. As you can see below, it's sort of shapeless, but then tight around the hips. It's also a little short for my taste. I'm not super tall, but I carry most of my height in my torso and I like my shirts long.

However, the detailing is beautiful. I'm sure it would be a great top for someone who is built differently than me.

The verdict: Returning, unless I keep the other four. Then, hopefully, finding it a new home.

Fun2Fun Marlena Abstract Print Tab Sleeve Blouse in Green-- $48.00

Noticing a pattern here? Seriously, what is my problem?!
This top is very pretty. I think it fits me really nicely, and it's also super versatile. I like the green and pink color, and one of my friends always tells me I should wear more patterns on top, instead of on bottom, so this would fit that.

 I especially think it's flattering in profile. Mirror selfie and piles of stuff in the background aside.

I also like that it has a button so I can roll up the sleeves. My arms are pretty short, so sleeves often hit me at an awkward place. Rolling them up makes them look more normal, and also makes it more useful as the weather gets warmer.

However, I'm not sure about the pattern, and I feel like Stitch Fix has already sent me a few tops in this shape. Help!

Verdict: Undecided

Hailey 23 Vlado Dress in Light Grey-- $48

 Look, my eyes are open! Sort of, at least. We're getting there.

Here's the cool things about this dress. One, it looks like a skirt and top, but it fits like a comfortable dress.

 Second, it has a scoop back, so it's a little more exciting, but it's not too revealing, so I would feel comfortable wearing it without a sweater or tank top or anything like that.

Third, it's so soft! And fourth, the skirt has pleats, which we all know I love. This will be great for lazy Shabbat afternoons, and also for work. Finally, $48 is a great price for a dress.

Verdict: Keeping!

Ezra Nawny Tiered Back Knit Top in Grey-- $48.00

 It's possible I pinned this shirt four or five times. Seriously. It's so cool! I feel very strongly that the pictures do not do it justice. (I also think it will probably look better with pants, but time was of the essence, as neither of us had eaten dinner yet.)

The coolest part of this top is the back. Usually shirts with cool back details are super low cut in the back, or sleeveless. This one has sleeves! And full coverage! It's sort of wrinkled out of the box, but with a little bit of pressing, I think it will be fabulous.

To me, this top is a great example of why I love Stitch Fix. It's a super interesting piece, but not necessarily one I would think to look for on my own. It's really comfortable and it fits me nicely. It's good for work, or for play, and the mock layered look means I can get a cool look without wearing a million shirts. It's not super seasonable right now, but I look forward to wearing it the next time it's unseasonably cool. Yay!

Verdict: Keeping!

So there we have it. Two definite keepers, one I don't like, and two I'm undecided on. What do you all think? Help me! Please leave thoughts in the comments! And if you want to get in on the fun, sign up for Stitch Fix here!